Friday, July 15, 2016

The Darkened Room

From Planetaria Obscura July 2016

 The Darkened Room

What is it about a darkened room?  Lately I go out and sit in my little homemade star theater, sit in an easy chair, turn down the lights, and.. And …. I don’t turn on the stars.  Now perhaps this is more a function of an imperfect star theater - I don’t have cave like total darkness.  I don’t have perfectly curved surfaces.  Like being outside at night, there are plenty of undulations and faint glows - but these are provided even in a perfect theater by instruments,  pilot lights, and any faint illumination we choose to introduce.  The effect is the same - even without stars, the room gets bigger. And bigger. Until you’d swear you are sitting in an open expanse. Even standing up destroys this effect - you have to sit down and imagine a little - your senses begin to trick you.  The darkened room becomes the darkened universe.  Maybe this is behind why as kids we sometimes were afraid of the dark.  That closed in sense of security disappeared.  But now to me, its soothing.

Sort of like, my spirit can never be contained.  

The Land of Make Believe

From Planetaria Obscura - July 2016

The Land of Make Believe

Make Believe - the action of pretending or imagining, typically that things are better than they really are. Like "she's living in a world of make-believe"  

BETTER than they really are, that hadn’t occurred to me.  I didn’t quite buy that, but it was thought provoking.   Would my planetarium have an undercurrent of ‘well the real sky today sucks, so I’ve got the REAL way it should look - used to look’   That might be an easy trap to fall into, as my goal of course was to impart WONDER first and teach a little second.   Well not exactly a trap, if my goal was to educate about light pollution.  Its not so easy then, constructing and operating a land of make believe maybe.  Besides, the whole name is a bit misleading. We can’t really MAKE anyone believe anything can we.  We can try to convince them, show them what we believe.

The rest is up to them.