Thursday, October 15, 2009

the birth of Cakebox Productions

How did I get interested in Home Planetariums? With a cakebox ..

In 1967 on Holly Court in Villa Park, outside Chicago, I took a cakebox from the old Topps Department store up on North Avenue and punched star holes into it. Then I took a flashlight bulb on a board, hooked it up to 2 D cell batteries, and carried this contraption to my friend Alan's house.

In a darkened bedroom, Alan first said 'I see nothing'... After fiddling with the wires however, Alan then proclaimed ... I SEE STARS! I was hooked for life but this interest lay dormant until the 90s, when I purchased a Dick Emmons starglobe and HPA was born.

A recreation of that first cakebox may be seen on HPAs website

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