Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Do Stars Have Personalities?

When you own your own stars, maybe even more than in real life they can become your friends.  After all, who lets them shine even in the daytime - they don’t even need to provide their own hydrogen, although most real ones seem to have a rather full tank for the next billion or so years.  But stars can develop personalities in our little skies mirroring the bigger ones in the bigger skies.  There’s a term in philosophy called ‘anthropomorphizing’, give or take a few syllables, which ascribes human traits to inanimate objects.  If you don’t believe this, see my pet rock.  Anyway,  who would these stars be if they could?  Who are they in your little world - its ok, we’ll understand.  Probably. Some stars are stuck in side-kick mode.  Procyon will forever be Robin to the Sirius Batman thing going on up there.  But Sirius has his own hangups - is he JUST NOT BRIGHT ENOUGH??  Do you miss that multi-color twinkle?  You ain’t alone.  But back to Procyon… its bad enough for Sirius to be ‘the dog star’, but at least its an identity.  Procyon is either ‘before the dog’, or ‘the little dog’.  That’s worse. Innit.  

Does Pollux ever wonder why it isn’t Pollux and Castor?  I always wonder why duos are named as they are - but I guess Cher and Sonny - Costello and Abbott - they just don’t roll off the tongue quite the same way. Still twins should be considered equal.  Gemini should end with two I’s - but its not me and you - its I and I.  Would Regulus seem so dignified if instead of Leo he headed up the Giraffe?  Is Aldebaran sick of being overshadowed by the Crab Nebula, and those sisters?  Are the sisters sick of the question, well, are there 6 or 7 of you??  Is one of you FADING?? That must be tiresome.  I always look at Deneb and think - you didn’t want to be on the tail of a bird did you, so you just had to come up with that Cross thing to save face.  We’ll do more of these in the future.  They probably want us to.  But I’ll ask them.

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