Friday, August 19, 2011

Variability - Vary Vary Interesting

Even more than permanent 'quirks' in your own sky, I am fascinated by 'variability'. If we live in a dark desert location, the sky might look the same every night. But mine never does, it varies each time I go out due to conditions, moon, partial clouds, light glows etc. With a home planetarium we can vary the light source, I get different effects with the LED than with the bulbs .. the advantage of a cylinder over a sphere is, you can vary the HEIGHT of the light source (with the cylinder upright) - to see the stars at different heights in the sky. Having a sky right down to the floor is necessary, another change Im finding has really paid off in making the sky seem bigger - much more sky is there before the inevitable curve gets intense towards the ceiling. The top part of a planetarium sky always looks the most unrealistic to me, theres just no sense of 'distance'. If you put your horizon glow on a dimmer, you can simulate different city conditions (mine looks like Im up on a mountain looking out and down. And lastly, we can vary projectors, starballs ..... we can literally have a different looking sky for every show if we have this variability, this flexibility built in.

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