From Planetaria Obscura October 2016 issue
Combo Licious
Rod Serling had his combo - his triple threat - his sight sound and mind .. In the PZ… a combo was synergy, it left you feeling like you’d had MORE than just a burger and fries. . You had it all, and that’s a powerful concept. Adele sings the ultimate lament - we could have had it ALL .. The ultimate demand has always been .. I want it all .. And I want it now! What do you want on that? EVERYTHING. My potato? LOADED. The works. It’s a powerful powerful message. So I want to say to people - planetariums mean so much to me - and I want you to have it ALL (in the next 30 minutes). I want to give them a buffet table of memories. If I charge (and I think I will), I want to give them perceived value. Used to be you went to a game, you came back with not just the game, you had a scorecard, a pennant, peanuts, hot dogs, you had it ALL. Never mind what that would cost today! I went to the Smokies, I came back with a cedar box and postcards. You come to my planetarium, you’re leaving with a bunch of things. A combo. Of sight sound and mind. Great concept. How to do it???
Cheeseburgers are Easy
I have the main course, the cheeseburger - the basic show, the basic sights, sounds, and mind expanding questions. I’ve gotten that far. How to package and deliver them so that people come away thinking they had funn and got it all. I think I need an introduction that Twilight Zones them - I need a multi faceted delivery that consists of live lecture, recorded features, and a live dramatization. Shakespeare knew it - go into a tragedy like A Winters Tale and find a bunch of vaudeville in the middle - you have to educate AND entertain. I wanted to capture it all and give it all away - I wanted the thrill of ending a rock concert with bright white lights .. I wanted classical quotes. I wanted the ability to laugh, at some of the material, I wanted the ability to interrupt and laugh at myself on tape. I wanted to send people home with cedar boxes and post cards and pennants and scorecards so they felt like they got value. They got entertained along with their education and inspiration. They saw sights, they heard sounds, they expanded their minds a little. That wouldn’t be too hard for a guy sitting in a shed he built. Would it?
Combo Licious
Rod Serling had his combo - his triple threat - his sight sound and mind .. In the PZ… a combo was synergy, it left you feeling like you’d had MORE than just a burger and fries. . You had it all, and that’s a powerful concept. Adele sings the ultimate lament - we could have had it ALL .. The ultimate demand has always been .. I want it all .. And I want it now! What do you want on that? EVERYTHING. My potato? LOADED. The works. It’s a powerful powerful message. So I want to say to people - planetariums mean so much to me - and I want you to have it ALL (in the next 30 minutes). I want to give them a buffet table of memories. If I charge (and I think I will), I want to give them perceived value. Used to be you went to a game, you came back with not just the game, you had a scorecard, a pennant, peanuts, hot dogs, you had it ALL. Never mind what that would cost today! I went to the Smokies, I came back with a cedar box and postcards. You come to my planetarium, you’re leaving with a bunch of things. A combo. Of sight sound and mind. Great concept. How to do it???
Cheeseburgers are Easy
I have the main course, the cheeseburger - the basic show, the basic sights, sounds, and mind expanding questions. I’ve gotten that far. How to package and deliver them so that people come away thinking they had funn and got it all. I think I need an introduction that Twilight Zones them - I need a multi faceted delivery that consists of live lecture, recorded features, and a live dramatization. Shakespeare knew it - go into a tragedy like A Winters Tale and find a bunch of vaudeville in the middle - you have to educate AND entertain. I wanted to capture it all and give it all away - I wanted the thrill of ending a rock concert with bright white lights .. I wanted classical quotes. I wanted the ability to laugh, at some of the material, I wanted the ability to interrupt and laugh at myself on tape. I wanted to send people home with cedar boxes and post cards and pennants and scorecards so they felt like they got value. They got entertained along with their education and inspiration. They saw sights, they heard sounds, they expanded their minds a little. That wouldn’t be too hard for a guy sitting in a shed he built. Would it?
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