Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Sanctum Sanctorum - Do You Need One?

The Latin word sanctum is the neuter form of the adjective "holy," and sanctorum its genitive plural. Thus the term sanctum sanctorum literally means "the holy [place/thing] of the holy [places/things]," replicating in Latin the Hebrew construction for the superlative, with the intended meaning "the most holy [place/thing]. The concept is as old as the Latin from which its name comes from. Its with us still today as it was throughout civilizations development, from withdrawing room to man-cave. Thoreau built a cabin. One Apollo astronaut 'rattled around in his mini-cathedral'. Book nooks and coffee shops shelter furtive lap-top enhanced figures. Not everyone needs their own persona sanctum sanctorum, but its pretty close to a universal drive inside us. My father went duck-hunting. Once as a boy I asked him if I could go with him .. his answer rings down through the years until at last I could understand it. It wasn't about the ducks. He said he needed time away from the family. There were worse ways he could have done it. The contents of this book, these 100 journal entries, explore my own unlikely journey to my own personal sanctum sanctorum. The end result is deceptive, and may not be anything anybody else ever achieves the same way. For its a unique embodiment of the ghosts, angels, and demons which drive me. Yours may vary. But the thought process' involved may be universal. So you may not end up with a personal Planetarium out back of your barn. You probably don't HAVE a barn, I never set out to have one either. But you probably have a backyard, a basement, a spare room, a large walkin closet. Anywhere will do, its just a matter of scale. A pair of headphones where you 'meet the Beatles' or any other musical phenomenon from history. Upon reflection, I've used all of those places too. So herein lies my personal thought process and actions to build a planetarium. Its alot more than that though too. Its my space. My place. I built it. But now I'm in the process of turning it over to everyone else, which is as it should be perhaps. Personal dreams . maybe they are meant to be not so personal after all. Maybe they belong to everyone.

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